Mexican Casserole

After a long day of biking and hiking in the mountains the only thing that sounded good to my family was comfort food or “junk food”. So I decided to whip up a Mexican Casserole something I had not made in quite a while. So I went to the...

New Culinary Classes Offered

New Culinary Classes Offered

I’m adding two new classes to the already large list of classes that I currently offer, At Home with Vicki Bensinger, In-Home Culinary Classes. I hope you like them. As always if you would like to tailor a class to meet your specifications just let me know. These two...

How to Grill Perfect Chicken?

I love to grill chicken especially boneless, skinless chicken breasts. It’s so simple but most people cook the chicken to death ending up with a piece that is so dry you can barely swallow it. If you’re one of those people here is a simple technique that you can...

Food Labels

Each week most of us go to the grocery store purchasing products. How many of you read the labels on the back of the packaging and if you do how thoroughly do you read them? Well I just recently discovered two new websites that help you sort out just...

Homemade Granola

My family loves granola. As I have mentioned before though they are funny about foods having too much fat in it. So after reading the nutritional content on several boxes as well as gourmet markets that make it fresh they decided I should try to come up with a...

What’s New in Grilling?

I’m always looking for new gadgets or ways to make cooking a snap. After reading about these I had to share with all of you. I haven’t received these yet but my order is in. FireWire Flexible Grilling Skewers, professional-grade grilling skewers that are as practical as they are...

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

This 4th of July what are you cooking? Share your menu and recipes with everyone that views my blog. We’d love to hear from you. Believe it or not I’m in the mountains right now where the clouds have recently rolled in and the temperature is in the 50s....

Food Lover’s Companion

I’ve been cooking for years and love to pick up as much reading material as I can to learn more about food and cooking. However, the one book that has become a bible to me is the Food Lover’s Companion. If you love to cook or even if you’re...