Baked Yukon Gold Truffle Fries

If you’re like my family the kitchen has always been the heart of the house where family and friends congregate sharing face-to-face moments and experiences. 

I’ve always made it a point that my family sit down together for dinner – my husband, son, daughter and I. When my kids were younger, (now 24 & 27), it would be the perfect opportunity to hear about their day at school, while my husband and I shared ours as well. Nothing brings you closer together than food, and spending face-to face time enjoying it together while chatting in the kitchen. In fact, some of our most memorable moments were spent there.

I can recall spending hours at the kitchen table while my husband and I would watch our kids create fun designs with homemade PlayDoh – one of their first experiences with cooking. Of course we’d bake cookies, and gather up ingredients to create other culinary masterpieces as well. My kids even opened their own little restaurant with a menu they created online. My husband and I would dine in their pretend restaurant and select dishes they created to be whipped up, and served by them. Of course, they made us pay for the meal, even though we purchased the food at the grocery store!

Now that my kids are older and out of school they still find time to come over during the week for dinner – a tradition I’m sure will carry over when they have their own families. Sunday night however, is never missed by anyone – meat night. It’s the one night of the week set aside for a heavier, but luscious meal. This past Sunday we had Kobe Beef Burgers, Broccoli Cole Slaw and our favorite, Baked Yukon Gold Truffle Fries.

There’s no greater gift than creating memorable moments with family and friends while joining face-to-face in the kitchen with good food, relaxing, laughing and having conversations over the simple things in life. These Truffle Fries are sure to inspire that, plus they’re so easy to prepare.

Create your special memory today and bake these:

Baked Yukon Gold Truffle Fries


  • 4 Yukon Gold Potatoes, scrubbed clean
  • Truffle Oil
  • Truffle Salt
  • Heavy duty foil


  1. Lay foil on a baking sheet
  2. Using a sharp knife cut potatoes in half.
  3. Cut each half into bite-sized wedges or slices.
  4. Set wedges on baking sheet drizzling a small amount of Truffle Oil over them. Toss wedges to blend oil over each slice, arrange in rows onto prepared pan. Sprinkle with Truffle Salt.
  5. Bake in a 425F degree oven for approximately 20-25 minutes until golden brown or to your liking.
  6. Serve.


Want to know how to build a successful restaurant? Check out’s “Out of the Kitchen”, a glimpse into the inner workings of two successful restaurants. Meet the back of the house inner circle and see how face-to-face relationships keep customers coming back for more.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Bon Appetit. The opinions and text are all mine.

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  1. They look so crisp! I usually use olive oil to make the roasted potatoes. Truffle oil sounds even better.

  2. I love the idea of truffle oil on the fries! That sounds terrific. I really should check out Bon Appetit again. I actually subscribe (who can resist an offer for a buck an issue?), but I haven’t read it in ages — I’ll bet I have more than six years worth still in their mailing wrappers! I’ve opened a few lately, though, and the magazine has much improved — it really declined under a previous editor, which is why I stopped reading.. Too bad, because in the 70s and 80s it was the best food magazine in the US. Anyway, fun post! Thanks.

  3. Believe it or not I still have many of my issues from the 70s. A favorite of mine that my husband accidentially threw out was an issue from the 70ws that had a crab quiche. It was so amazing. I tried contacting BA years ago to see if they had it but they couldn’t find it.

    I still get issues sent to me via snail mail and now also on my iPad. I’ve been a subscriber continuously since the 70s and have never missed an issue. The issues are a bit thinner now I suppose because of the economy there aren’t as many advertisers. I still love it though.

    I hope you’ll try these fries.

  4. YUM! I love the truffle oil in fries, we usually order fries with truffle and parmesan at the local hamburger place…now this is even better since it is baked…thanks for the recipe Vicki.
    Hope you are having a great week 😀

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