Virtually No Fat Banana Bread

May was such a crazy month, I feel like I’ve barely had time to post anything.  My daughter graduated from college up in Boston.  All of us attended and spent a wonderful weekend together as a family.  Then back to St. Louis, just in time to have carpet replaced in our home.  It was exhausting work especially since I had to clean out some of the closets, mine in particular, which was stacked with cookbooks, and culinary magazines.  I hate throwing those away but many were pitched.

My new resolution is to order those that I read frequently online and delivered to my inbox, where I can view the magazine on my PC or iPad.  It’s a great way to eliminate stacks of magazines.  Instead places like Zinio store them by date and even provide a yearly index.  I hopeful that this will resolve my hoarding of culinary magazines.

My last post was a week ago Friday where I created a Feijoas Curd Trifle using homemade Virtually No Fat Banana Bread, a recipe I created many years ago.  I mentioned there, that I’d share the recipe in my next post.  I usually call this fat free banana bread but actually bananas have approximately 1 gram of fat along with a host of health benefits and eggs have some fat too.  So I decided a better name would be Virtually No Fat Banana Bread.  Wouldn’t you agree?

You may remember that my family insists on fat free everything even though I tell them it’s not always the best option.  With that in mind I modified my old favorite banana bread recipe to be figure friendly – it’s so moist and delicious!  Honestly, no one would ever know it’s virtually fat free.  Although there’s sugar in it, I’ve reduced the amount initially used, by half.   I’m sure you could substitute agave nectar (using 1/2 the amount of the sugar) or honey, although I’ve never tried it with this particular recipe.

Once you make my Banana Bread, I know it will become one of your favorites.

Virtually No Fat Banana Bread
makes 1 loaf

1/2 cup applesauce (I used Musselmans Natural Unsweetened)

3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs, well beaten
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups sifted flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 (6oz) container fat free Vanilla yogurt (I used Dannon)
3 very ripe bananas, mashed (the skins on mine were black – best flavor when very ripe)

Cream applesauce and sugar; add eggs and salt and mix well. Add flour, soda and yogurt and mix well. Add bananas blending well into the mixture.

Note: At this time if you wanted to add any chocolate chips or nuts you can blending well.

Grease or spray with non-stick cooking spray one regular size loaf pan; pour mixture into pan and bake in a preheated 350F degree oven for approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. When the bread pulls away from the sides of the pan and toothpick comes out clean, the bread is done.  If top of bread starts getting too brown place foil over top. 

This recipe can be doubled.

If you want to use plain yogurt or some other flavor then feel free to do so. The best part about cooking yourself is that you can modify a recipe anyway you like.


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  1. Applesauce is such a great way to add flavor and moisture, rather than fat. Looks like a great recipe!

  2. Thanks Beth we really like it. In fact, I’ve just about got another batch that’s turning black, seems we can’t eat them quick enough these days. So I guess I’ll be making more banana bread! Nothing ever goes to waste.

  3. I have a confession to make…. whne I bake fat free or buy anything low fat (I eat the whole thing!) This would be all mine! 🙂

  4. Claudia that’s actually very common. I keep trying to tell my family this. When foods are fat free they don’t satisfy you as much oftentimes causing you to eat more than if the food had more fat. That said I can honestly say this banana bread is quite satisfying leaving you feel nourished and content. Well at least it does for me.

  5. Whoa! Looks exquisite! I can’t wait to try it and enjoy

  6. Sounds terrific ! My tummy really needs some fat-free baked goodies ! lol

  7. Boy, the fat-free thing is really dangerous. As mentioned in the comments, you tend to overeat when it’s fat free – mainly because fat is very filling, so you tend to eat less when there’s fat (of course you want a healthy fat). Anyway, this looks like a terrific recipe. Bananas rarely get overripe in our house (we love them!) but next time some do, I know what I’m doing with them! Thanks for this.

  8. Dear Vicki, Congrats! to your daughter.
    What a wonderful achievement.
    A delicious banana bread indeed.
    Thank you for your visit. I always look forward to them. Ciao…Catherine

  9. This sounds like it would be beautiful and moist. I don’t like bananas that much but banana bread is a different story! A bit of honey on top and I’m all set.

  10. Fat free baked goods are very hard to come by. This sounds delicious and would be a welcome addition to my table. I hope you have a great day. Blessings…Mary

  11. I just printed this. Looks great, Vicki. Hope all is well. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Sound terrific Vicki! I may not make as many fat free goods but surely enjoy them! Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  13. I still have a bottle of applesauce sitting in my cupboard….this is a perfect banana recipe for it.
    Congratulations to your daughter!

  14. This is so strange, I posted here yesterday and it’s not showing up now. That’s odd. Anyway, I hope you’ll try my Virtually No Fat Banana Bread. I’m positive you’ll love it. I’d love to hear what you think once you make it.

  15. I’m definitely bookmarking this recipe though I’m a little apprehensive about how it would turn out without any butter or oil! Congrats to your daughter!

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