Glamour Aprons

By now I’m sure you’re well aware that I love to write about food, recipes, gadgets and everything food related. That’s because I love to cook so much. So when I find something that I think is great or will be fun for the kitchen I like to share it with everyone.

This morning I was browsing the internet and found these fabulous vintage looking aprons. They’re perfect for the new bride to be, as a gift or for yourself. I think they are so much fun.

I just ordered mine called the Dorothy in Red, since it will match my kitchen perfectly. Please check out Carolyn’s Kitchen and tell me what you think. Which one is your favorite?

Please post your comment on your favorite apron and add your name as a follower to my blog and your name will be entered to win one of these adorable aprons. What are you waiting for?

One lucky winner will be announced on September 7th.

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  1. I LOVE the cheetah lolita apron! I asked my hubby to buy it for my birthday!

  2. I know aren’t they adorable. I thought they were so much fun I had to post about them.

  3. That’s a tough choice, I really like the sweetheart hot pink one, but I like the cupcake aprons too.

  4. I like the Red Rock ‘N Roll Apron and Garter. My little sister is a culinary graduate and soon to be married. This would be a great shower gift for her! Her fiance would love to see her cooking in this!

  5. Boy, that is hard. I like them all. Red is my favorite color and there are so many to choose from. I think the Miss Liberty is probably my favorite.

    My granddaughter, in college, has her first apartment, and I’m sure she would have fun with the Wildcat Lime, or many others. I’ll have to check that out for one of her birthday presents in October.


  6. I like the Dorothy in Red or Aqua and the Sweetheart in Red or Black. Very cute stuff!

    Vicki, I didn’t even realize you had a blog! It looks great and your logo and everything has really come together!! Great work!

  7. All the aprons are great, but I think my favorite would be the Dorothy in Aqua. If it came in purple then it would be perfect, but I’d settle for aqua.

  8. Yes, Christy. On all the emails that you get from me, just click on my logo and it takes you directly to my blog. So glad you could stop by!

  9. You never know Robin, maybe now it will come in purple.

  10. Kelly that sounds like it would be a great gift for your sister.

    Loretta my daughter is going off into her own apartment too this year at school. When she saw these aprons she couldn’t decide which ones she liked best. Looks like I’ll have to get her one as well. I’m sure your granddaugther will love it.

    Shannon, don’t forget to add yourself as a follower so that you can have your name entered for the drawing. There are so many adorable aprons it is hard to choose.

    I love hearing everyones comments.

  11. My favorite apron is also “Dorothy in Red.” It looks like an apron that Lucille Ball might have worn on her show.

  12. Judy don’t forget to add your name as a follower of my blog in order to be entered in the drawing.

  13. I think I might like the Dorothy in yellow, best. They are actually too cute for me to wear in the kitchen. I’m a menace with tomato sauce and all sorts of things flying around. My aprons really earn their keep!

  14. Well Maria then you can always wear it around the house while you’re cleaning so you don’t mess up your clothes.

  15. Those aprons are fabulous, too pretty to wear, I may hang it for decoration, LOL I like the Sweetheart Apron in black.

  16. How cute. I love the aqua cupcake apron. Maria Paray sent me over.

  17. those are very cute, I think I like Wild cat lime. Not too much into ruffles, so that one touches me the most, how cute to be able to wear around the holidays!

  18. Hi Vicki! I was checking out your cole slaw recipe, and thought I’d enter your contest again! (I’m not sure if you allow more than one entry, but I thought I’d give it a shot!) I really, really love those aprons. I wish I had the skill to make one for myself!! My second favorite apron would be the rock n’roll hot pink apron. Crossing my fingers that you pick me, lol!!

  19. I like the Cheetah Lolita apron.

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