What Do You Know About the Fish You’re Eating?

Eating fresh fish is a staple in my diet.  It’s healthy, leaves me feeling nourished and full of energy. However, what do we really know about the fish we’re eating or for that matter our food?

Many articles are posted regarding fish farming, the treatment of fish, their feed and the effects on humans who consume these fish.  Delving into these articles can be nauseating, yet, eye-opening and informative.However, there’s no need to be kept in the dark wondering if the fish you’re digesting is good or not.  The Monterey Bay Aquarium offers a Seafood Watch that recommends which seafood to buy or avoid, helping consumers and businesses to become advocates for ocean-friendly seafood. You can get their recommendations online, in printed pocket guides, or on your mobile devices.There’s more to fish than just purchasing it though.  Wouldn’t you like to know how it’s being produced or if it’s genetically engineered?

How bad can it be?  Watch this brief video!


To learn more about genetically engineered salmon, fish farming, food, water and so much more check out the Food & Water Watch site.  View the Issues at hand, Tools & Resources, Blog, and how you can Take Action in helping or simply receive updates.Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Browsing this site is a great place to start, with links to so many other important issues.It’s imperative to be aware, to know what you’re eating and what you’re feeding your family. If you have an opinion make it count by Taking Action!

Note: I realize many of  you are well aware of these facts but maybe some are new to you.  For those of you unfamiliar with this subject matter, I hope you’ll take the time to explore the links I’ve provided.

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  1. This is a very interesting post! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for sharing my friend, I never realized the controversial issues with fish!
    Very good post 🙂

    Choc Chip Uru

    • There are many issues regarding our environment its hard to keep up with all of them. I’m glad I was able to share something with you that you weren’t aware of.

  3. A couple of those sites are new to me, so I appreciate learning about them. The Monterrey Bay Aquarium site is terrific, and one I’ve used over the years. Although the seafood situation isn’t yet dire, some of the species we enjoy just won’t be around in a few years. Sardines will, though – I need to start learning how to use these! Good post – thanks.

    • I realize the situation isn’t dire yet however just like cancer the sooner we find out about it the better the chances are of eliminating or stopping any further growth. Awareness is the best medicine, IMO. When I read some of these articles and see Monsanto is behind much of it that bothers me, especially since they’re practically in our own backyard. It’s always about the money.

  4. I am posting this all the way from Australia. You write about a matter which, as an avid fish eater, has bothered me for quite a while. Information is available, but buyers here, I find, are as yet but little interested and oft find that you are making a mountain out of a molehill. Even the sellers don’t know or pretend they do not. I write the occasional article on healthy nutrition in local news and have suggested people avoid ‘Atlantic salmon’ [ie the farmed article] in favour of Alaskan say if buying the tinned variety, but . . . 🙂 ! Well, I know which path I tread!!

    • Maybe you can try posting the Monterey Bay Aquarium list although my guess is this may be for the U.S. Or links to various sites. Then it’s not just you saying it but others as well.

      I would also think you could contact any of the places I posted and they should be able to give you links to sites in Australia.

      As much as you want to get everyone to share your concern that will never happen. However those that do listen to your message will hopefully spread the word.

  5. This information is very important! I’ve had the Seafood Watch flyer on the side of the fridge for a few years now and refer to it often. It’s quite hard getting seafood here in the desert, and being picky makes it even harder, but we manage. However, whenever we travel we eat fish likes it’s going out of style! 🙂 Love traveling to the coast where I can go to the docks and buy a fish right off the boat! Great post!

  6. I just bite the bullet and avoid farmed fish like the plague. I need to check the Seafood Watch for updates…it’s been a while since I’ve checked on what is best to buy and eat.

    PS…looking forward to your next dessert 🙂

  7. Seafood is one of the most complicated food groups these days. You really have to be on top of things to know what’s farmed, what’s wild, what’s sustainable and what’s not. I’m glad so many folks know about the “Seafood Watch” guide. It makes choosing safe and well-managed seafood a breeze.

  8. I tried to avoid farmed fish whenever possible but the genetically engineered fish is a new, frightening issue for me. I’ll check the links! Who knew trying to eat healthy could be so bad.

  9. I’m careful about eating only low-mercury fish, but I didn’t really know about the GE fish. It’s quite scary to know what’s in the food supply!

  10. As we love eating seafood and my kids especially enjoy fish, I am always careful about choosing the fish. I grew up eating many kinds of seafood and learned quite bit of knowledge from parents and school. It’s great that you pass great resource and information here so a lot of people who are not familiar can get the correct knowledge. Very nicely written post, Vicki!!

  11. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Bee Craft Inspirations, under the Page 2 post on Aug. 18, 2012. Thanks again.

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