If you’re like me, coming up with colorful projects to enhance the table and experience for the holiday, is paramount.
One of my favorite things to design is this adorable Chocolate Pretzel Easter Basket. Even your kids will have a great time creating them. Fill with your favorite goodies for all to enjoy! Before you know it the entire basket will disappear, just like magic!
Watch my video below, then head to the grocery store to gather the few supplies needed to make this special treat. Whether for Easter, a fun or elegant centerpiece – you’ll have everyone smiling when they feast their eyes on your creation.
I created this video back in 2013 but did some quick edits to make it shorter and to the point! Of course you can add your own special touches to your Chocolate Pretzel Easter Basket.
In fact, if you use smaller bowls you can have each child make their very own to set at their place on the dinner table. Drizzle with colored candy melts to jazz it up, or keep it simple. You’re the artist so have fun!
For a fun Easter treat and decoration, try this Chocolate Pretzel Easter Basket. Fill with all sorts of goodies for the entire family to enjoy!
Large Basket:
12 oz. package chocolate chips (whatever type you prefer)
7 oz. thin salted pretzel sticks
2 quart bowl or other container to use as a mold
2-3 quart bowl for mixing
Prepare the mold: Spray bowl (mold) with non-stick spray. Line entire bowl with plastic wrap allowing for plenty of overhang. You may need two sheets to cover the entire bowl, just be sure to overlap plastic wrap. Press wrap as smoothly as you can, covering bottom and sides of bowl.
Bring an inch of water to a simmer in a saucepan. Set other bowl over simmering pot and place chocolate chips in bowl. Using a silicone spatula stir until chocolate has just melted and is a fluid consistency. Remove bowl from heat. Wipe moisture off bottom of bowl with a towel - be sure not to get any moisture or water in the chocolate. The chocolate should be warm and fluid, not hot. Add pretzels to chocolate. At this point the chocolate will be cooler. Using a rubber or silicone spatula carefully fold the pretzels in the chocolate, adding more pretzels if necessary, until all pretzels are lightly coated. It's okay if some of the pretzel shows through the chocolate. If needed, use your fingers!
If chocolate is too warm, pretzels will slide down sides of mold rather than staying in place when building your basket.
Put a handful of pretzels into the lined mold (bowl) and spread them out to form bottom of basket. Build sides of basket by adding handfuls of pretzels and arranging them against sides of mold.
When pretzels are arranged to your satisfaction, refrigerate until chocolate has hardened, at least an hour, or until needed. To unmold, lift ends of plastic liner to remove basket from mold (bowl). Set basket onto counter and gently peel off plastic wrap. Store, basket on plastic sheet and return to mold, cover, and refrigerate until needed.
To serve, place on serving platter - fill with Robin Eggs as shown in video, or strawberries - plain or chocolate dipped, truffles, jellybeans, etc.
For a more decorative look, surround with fresh leafy branches or sprigs of green, if desired.
Chocolate-coated pretzel "twigs" lend themselves to elegant centerpieces filled with plain or chocolate dipped fruit, chocolate truffles, or meringue mushrooms. Or make a little nest for each child filled with jellybeans or chocolate robin eggs. Let the kids play with the sticky chocolate-coated pretzels on sheets of waxed paper...and don't be surprised to see miniature log cabins, stick figures, and edible skyscrapers.