I feel like I’ve been MIA for a bit. Since returning from our trip to Colorado this summer I’ve been juggling way too many balls at once, and unfortunately my blog has been neglected. There are just so many hours in the day.
I’m back, even though my plate is still flowing over. I’m hopeful that I can get back to posting on a regular biweekly basis now.
Last week my friend over at Melissa’s Produce sent me a wonderful goodie box filled with so many luscious ingredients. I can’t wait to share recipes using each of these over the next week.
While vacationing in Colorado this summer I found myself eating mostly fruits, veggies and fish. I hardly baked any desserts, and I’m sure that was due to the fact that my daughter wasn’t able to join us until our last week of vacation. She always encourages me to bake all sorts of tasty treats. I’m sure this had something to do with the reason I lost weight this trip.
Most days I biked from 1 1/2 to 4 hours, and with the cool weather I rarely felt exhausted. I’ve been training to bike 50 miles for Pedal the Cause here in St Louis – an event to raise funds to help create a world without cancer. (Please help me by donating). Exercising for so long caused me to lose my appetite for food, but longing for something to quench my thirst. When I was hungry, I craved fruit, nuts, and vegetables. For dinner I would typically have those along with a little fish or chicken.
I felt great, and have continued eating this way since coming home.
So when Melissa’s sent me this wonderful goodie box I started thinking of all the tasty dishes I could create. Trail mix, and granola bars seem to be a staple while biking and hiking in the mountains, so I decided to come up with a Trail Mix Cookie recipe that was nutritious. I searched online for ideas, then resorted to some of my spa cookbooks. Low and behold I found a wonderful recipe for “Trail Mix Cookies.” I couldn’t believe it! I decided to use the dried cranberries and pine nuts sent in my goodie box. I meant to add the crystalized ginger for added flavor but totally forgot.
Of course, I could have made granola, but the four boxes called “Clean Snax” above, were cube-sized granola bars that were amazing. My family gobbled them up just after shooting this photo. These would be the perfect addition to your kids lunch box or to store in your purse when you’re feeling hungry. They came in flavors of cranberry, coconut, pumpkin seed and almond. So good!
Below is the recipe for Trail Mix Cookies, ideal for any occasion even a cookie exchange. Of course this is just one version, but I can think of so many variations that I’ll be sure to try next time I make a batch.
What would your Trail Mix Cookies have in them?
Here's a healthy and nutritious cookie to enjoy without the guilt! Enjoy!!! Adapted from Miraval Spa
Trail Mix Cookies