I’m Moving!

In 2009 I created my blog, At Home with Vicki Bensinger having no clue at all what I was doing or what a blog actually was. I created it as a place that my culinary students could go, to stay in touch with me, ask questions, and learn new techniques and recipes. Now four years later my blog reaches my culinary students and the world. It’s truly been an exciting journey.

We all need change now and then, and I’ve decided after much deliberation that I will be moving my site from Blogger to a self-hosted site through WordPress.

Towards the end of May or first of June the URL for my blog will change from:

In-HomeCulinaryClasses.blogspot.com (that’s a mouthful) to VickiBensinger.com. My site will have a facelift while maintaining the name and logo. I think you’re going to love it!

However, in order to insure that you continue receiving my posts once this change takes place, please Subscribe to my posts by RSS or Follow by EMAIL. This can be done in the upper right corner of this blog.

I appreciate those of you who have followed my blog from the start, visit my blog often, and those who post comments – it means a lot to me, and I hope you’ll remain a frequent visitor to At Home with Vicki Bensinger.

My new blog which is designed by Lindsay of Purr Design, will continue to have recipes, tips, videos, giveaways and everything food related, plus more exciting features. I can’t wait to share it with you.

So be sure to SUBSCRIBE NOW to receive my posts as they happen, by RSS or EMAIL.

Thank you and have a great week!


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  1. This blog is very good for readers and very informative. Home Moving

  2. I have so enjoyed your blog since I found it and am alredy subscribed by email. Many blogfriends do use WordPress already. Hope the change goes seamlessly: good luck 🙂 !

    • Thank you Eha for signing up by email. I too hope the change won’t be painful and that you and everyone else who follows and reads my blog will like it.

  3. Congratulations, Vicki!

  4. Congratulations,my friend!!! Can’t wait to see your new site 🙂

  5. Congrats on the move! Hope everything goes smoothly!

  6. That’s great news Vicki! Congratulations. I’m currently on Blogger too and have started investigating the move to wordpress!

  7. Congratulations Vicki-you’re going to love your new home 😉

  8. Great news Vicki. I am a subscriber of your blog so we’ll check it in beginning of June whether I receive the email or not.

  9. Congratulations Vicki! I hope the move goes smoothly. I start with WP and love it.

  10. That’s terrific news Vicki!! so exciting too, I feel you are going to love wp. I was so happy when I moved and still I would never go back to blogger.
    All the best with the move! =)

  11. Great decision Vicki, I’m sure you are going to love your new site!
    Will follow your posts at your new home, looking forward 🙂

  12. I want to wish you on your move to new place. Congrats and have fun over there!!

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