Homemade Cranberry Sauce is a Cinch!

Homemade Cranberry Sauce

With the long list of items on a Thanksgiving menu many people just opt to purchase the cans of Cranberry Sauce or buy some already made at a store. Honestly though, homemade Cranberry Sauce is probably the easiest thing to make. In fact, I think the whole meal is simple, so long as you spread out the cooking. Otherwise, you’re just plain exhausted to even enjoy the meal.

My family likes your basic sauce, nothing fancy. This is how I make it and it’s perfect every time. Here’s all you need:

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Cranberry Sauce
serves 6-8

1 (12 oz) package fresh cranberries, rinsed and stems removed, if any
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup fresh orange juice

Place ingredients in a saucepan

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bring to a boil.

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Reduce heat and simmer until the cranberries pop, the sauce thickens and reduces slightly.

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Turn off the heat and set aside to cool completely.

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Then once cooled, cover and place in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

I made mine today for Thursday. The longer it sits the better it gets. This will keep for a good 2 weeks, refrigerated.

Why bother buying it when it’s so simple to make? Plus if you want to doctor it up a bit use brown sugar instead of white and add some orange zest as well.


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