Get Organized with ZipList!

As you know last week, At Home with Vicki Bensinger moved to a beautiful new home that’s tidy, well organized and easy to navigate.  It’s all so exciting, but I need to be sure I maintain this clean look. However, if you’re anything like me, organizing all the recipes you find in magazines, cookbooks or online, can oftentimes be a challenge.  Over the past 6 months I’ve made it my priority to tidy things up a bit so I can locate what I want, when I want it.

I tossed out my old magazines that I loved, ripped out some of the pages to save, and instead of having them delivered by USPS, I now have them neatly organized and delivered to my iPad.  I also had bookshelves built to house the 100s of cookbooks that I’ve collected over the years.  However, what about all the recipes found online, and At Home with Vicki Bensinger, that you want to save? Now with the help of ZipList I’ve added a new feature to my recipes that will solve that dilemma.

Instead of saving the recipes on your PC that you find online, At Home with Vicki Bensinger, and elsewhere – now with the click of a button, ZipList will save them all in one location, just for you.   It’s incredible!  ZipList not only saves those recipes, but their photos, grocery list, and once you create your list, they’ll even send you coupons, when available, for those products to use at the store.

If you’re already a ZipList member then you know what I’m talking about.  If not, let me show you how it works:

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When you’re on my site you simply click on “Recipe Box” in the top right navigational menu, and it will take you directly to your own personalized recipe box.  There you will see all the recipes you’ve saved under one roof, from “At Home with Vicki Bensinger” to other favorites like: Epicurious, All Recipes plus other blogs you follow.

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If you like a recipe that you’ve seen on At Home with Vicki Bensinger, click on the “SAVE” button in the upper right section of that recipe.  A new window will open up that looks similar to this:

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Click “Add to Recipe Box” or “Add to Shopping List and Recipe Box.”  ZipList not only compiles all your recipes in an online recipe box, it will compile your meal plan and print out a shopping list for you too!

The best part – Ziplist has a smartphone app that you can open up while at the grocery store to retrieve your shopping list! What could be easier than that?

To get all the ZipList details, to sign up, and watch a brief tutorial click here.  Oh and best of all – it’s FREE!

Note: Many of my past recipes have the ZipList feature ( with more being added).  All recipe posts going forward will utilize this feature.

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    • A lot of people already use ZipList but for those that don’t it’s a great way to stay organized and store all your recipes. For someone like me it’s perfect when browsing the internet. I simply click “save” and know where to find it when I need to.

  1. I’m so glad you’re using Ziplist, too! It’s such a great tool for saving recipes.

  2. I have seen many bloggers using ziplist…now you are a member too. Maybe i should consider joining the party too.

  3. That’s a great idea – when I go self hosted ill definitely consider it 🙂

    Choc Chip Uru

  4. Hi Vicki, Ziplist is an interesting idea. And it’d certainly be convenient to be able to access my recipes from anywhere. That said, I have a pretty good system on my computer that I’ve been using for decades, and really wouldn’t want to start all over. Fun product, though. Thanks for the heads up.

    • That’s great that you have a system in place for all your recipes. I have one as well but this just works best for me. Plus when you open it, all the recipes you’ve saved, plus their photos, shopping list, etc are all there for you and who created them. I don’t use up additional space on my PC. Hey if you’ve got something that works, then I’d stick with it.

  5. Oh yes! Love the idea!!! Will be changing computers and software within a few days and surely shall immediately look into adopting this!! 🙂 !

  6. I love using ziplist as a food blogger, but I haven’t actually had a chance to use the ziplist feature for my own shopping list. Thanks for the tutorial!

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