First Low Carbon Restaurant

For those of you that are vegetarians or vegans you might find this restaurant to be a MUST on your list the next time you’re in New York or London.

I discovered this restaurant while reading one of my foodie magazines today. I found it so fascinating and amazed that it’s actually taken this long for one to open.

The restaruant is called Otarian. Their menu looks delicious to me and I like how they describe their vision. Of course, if you eat meat it may not appeal to you. I eat meat but claim I could be a vegetarian since I could eat veggies all day and prefer them over almost anything. I’m not sure that I could become a vegan though.

Check out their site and the menu. Each menu item lists their carbon comparison with nutritional information and ingredients. I especially like the looks of the Roasted Vegetable Lasagna.

Browse their website and please let me know what you think. It doesn’t say that franchises are available but it does have career opportunities for those of you that may be interested.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and if you’re a vegetarian or vegan how has it changed your life.

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  1. The food looks delicious. I am so glad to see a restaurant that is in touch with our need as a society to support and offer sustainable food.
    I know that for myself being a vegan, has made a remarkable improvement in my overall health. I welcome any information about a restaurant that has vegan menu choices, as well as being environmentally friendly.

    Thank you Vicki

  2. Thank you for your comment. In what ways has it helped your overall health? If you don’t mind sharing.

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